An easy-to-watch set of videos, with accompanying workbook that covers everything you need to know to maximise your chances of exam success


Worried you’re easily distracted and short of time?
Not sure of the best way to revise?

Haven’t got a revision timetable?

Lack confidence about the best way to revise?

Concerned you haven’t done enough revision? 

Nervous about sitting exams?


Nodding your head, "YES”? 

Relax…you are in the right place.

Exams do NOT have to be filled with stress and anxiety.


These videos will enable you to go through your A-level courses with complete confidence and empower you to successfully reach or exceed your target grades.

The best part?

You don’t even have to be in school to learn!
(go at your own pace and learn in the comfort of your own home) 

"The average cost for 1 hour of private tuition is £40. You’re getting all this content for less than that?! Amazing!" - Oliver

"I wish this course was around when I did my A-Levels” Tom

“These videos really helped me learn. The Exam Mentor is so professional and also you can see she is really approachable, which instantly puts you at ease!”Stephanie

 "So much valuable information. I was really worried I might fail, but these videos have given me so much confidence in myself” Emily

Your Teacher

Clare Foreman

I have been a Teacher of Science, specialising in A-level Biology, for 10 years. During that time, I have helped hundreds of A-level students through their exams and have personally tutored dozens of students – 100% of whom either achieved or exceeded their target grade. Using my extensive experience of tutoring, mentoring and teaching A-level students, I have developed an in-depth course and mentoring programme, specifically designed to help A-level students exceed their target grades.


  • The importance of background reading and why you shouldn’t put it off.

  • The most effective ways to revise

  • The best way to structure your time

  • How to write a powerful personal statement

  • How eating, sleeping and exercise affect your learning

  • ...and much more!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Start Here

    • Introduction

    • Bonus Workbook

  • 2

    Module 1 - Preparation

    • Background Reading and Exam Boards

    • Equipment

    • The ‘What the Hell Effect’

    • How to Beat Procrastination

    • How to Create A Revision Timetable

  • 3

    Module 2 - Performance

    • What Effective Learning Looks Like

    • Making the Most of Your Brain!

    • The Strongest Link

    • Revision Tips and Answering Exam Questions

    • Top Tips for Exam Performance

    • The Secret of Success – Daily Routine

  • 4

    Module 3 – Wellbeing

    • Eat Your Way to Success

    • Get Moving and Get the Grades!

    • How Sleeping Helps You Learn

    • Sort Out Your Social Life!

  • 5

    Module 4 – University

    • Applying for University

    • How Many Courses Can You Pick?

    • Writing Your Personal Statement

    • University Interviews


(An outline of everything in the videos that's perfect to print out and keep for quick reference. Also has tasks for you to work through) 

Discover what it feels like to turn your exam worries into complete confidence!


Sit back, enjoy and start learning today!